The Editor and its Components

The following screenshot shows the editor in use:

On the top of the editor there are the menubar and the toolbar which contain buttons to load and save files, to play the currently loaded file, or to edit the file's content. Moreover, the settings can be accessed from the menubar and additional tools, such as the metronome, can be controlled from the menues.

Below the toolbar, the mainscreen is split into two parts. On the left side, there is the event view, which shows all events, and a view which can be used to visualize and edit the velocity for each note as well as the different controller values, the pitch for each channel, or the key/channel pressure.

On the right side, there are different windows allowing the user to edit the tracks and channels, to visualize the protocol of all actions the user did, and to edit all properties of the selected event(s).

Most actions which can be performed by the user are accessible using the menubar. The actions are structured within the following submenues:

File The file menu provides the usual actions to load, create, and save files.
Edit The edit menu provides actions to select events, to copy and paste events, and to undo / redo actions.
Tools The tools menu provides actions to edit the current file's content.
View The view menu provides actions to customize the view settings. This includes items to zoom in or out and the raster settings.
Playback The playback menu contains all actions which control the playback, the recording, or the metronome.
Midi The Midi menu provides actions which let the user set the Midi preferences.


The toolbar contains items from the menubar in order to provide quick access to the most frequently used actions.

Event View

The event view is the most important part of the editor. It visualizes the events in the loaded Midi file. Moreover, most editing can be done in this window.

All events are colored, where the colors can either be chosen to represent the event's channel or its track.

Notes are diplayed as bars. The rows of the event view represent the different notes according to the piano roll on the left. The horizontal length of a notes represents the note's duration according to the time line on the top of the window.

Below the notes the other events are shown. The row names below the piano roll indicate the event type shown in each row.

In order to edit the content of a Midi file, the user has to select a tool in the menubar or in the toolbar. After that, the user can select events in the event view and move the events, change the notes' durations, create new events, and remove events.

Below the event view, the velocities of all notes, the controllers, the key/channel pressure, and the pitch of each channel can be edited and visualized. The user can select the data to show and edit on the left of the window.

Track Editor

The track editor contains a list of all tracks in the currently loaded Midi file. The list shows the names of the tracks as well as their numbers and the tracks' colors. Moreover, the track editor enables the user to hide or mute specific channels (by clicking and ), to rename a track (by clicking ) or to delete a track (by clicking ).

New tracks can be added to the Midi file by clicking .

In order to mute or hide all tracks at once, the according actions above the track list can be used.

Please refer to Tracks and Channels for more details about the track editor.

Channel Editor

Similar to the track editor, a list of all channels is provided in the channel editor. Channels can be hidden or muted (by clicking and ). Moreover, the solo mode (by clicking ) can be activated for a specific channel which will make the channel be the only audible channel until the solo mode is deactivated.

As an instrument (or "voice") is assigned to each channel at each time, the channels' instruments can be assigned by clicking . This will open a dialog which lets the user specify the instrument for the given channel.

Please refer to Tracks and Channels for more details about the channel editor.

Event Editor

Once one or more events have been selected, the events' data will be visualized inside the event editor. The data is provided as a table containing property-value pairs. Double-clicking inside any value-field will allow the user to modify the propertie's value which will set the new value to all selected events immediately.

In the case of multiple selected events, the editor will only show the values which are equal for all selected events. Assigning new values to those initially empty values will set the value for all selected events.